Heavy Load Results in Dropped Trailer That Requires Help From Dallas Tractor Trailer Towing Team
A dropped trailer not only weakens the ground underneath, but can pose a problem to the load being carried inside. Due to the tilt, reattaching the truck and the trailer simply isn’t an option. For situations such as these, CTR Towing Service is the one to call for tractor trailer towing services.
CTR Towing Service tractor trailer towing company recently received a call for assistance at a local Dallas, Texas warehouse. A delivery in the trailer was waiting to be unloaded when the ground beneath it weakened, resulting in a dropped trailer. While this is not an uncommon occurrence, it is one that must be taken seriously to prevent injury to those nearby and damage to the goods inside.
The tractor trailer towing team arrived at the scene at 2:16 PM in the afternoon. Our crew immediately set out to work, assessing the issue and developing a plan of action. They found that the trailer was filled with 36,000 pounds and its haphazard positioning would only worsen if not dealt with quickly and effectively.
First, the tractor trailer tow team set up a 45 degree angle lift using two double line rigs. A sling with two 100 grade half inch chains was created off the trailer apron slots. The tractor trailer towing technician used two 4×4 pieces of hardwood for shims to separate the chains from the nose of the trailer. This step was essential to prevent damage to any electrical or glad hand connections.
Next, the trailer was lifted to fifth wheel height with the help of our 25-ton heavy wrecker. A driver at the warehouse backed a tractor under the trailer and set the trailer weight down on the tractor. All chains were removed and the connection to the king pin secured. Our semi towing technician then disassembled the rig equipment.
We finished the job around 3:11 PM, clocking in at just under an hour. Our semi truck towing crew returned to CTR Towing Service headquarters to unload and debrief. We are happy to report that this was another successful Dallas tractor trailer towing project!

Details of Heavy Load Results in Dropped Trailer That Requires Help From Dallas Tractor Trailer Towing Team
Occasionally, a trailer is carrying a load so heavy that it weakens the ground beneath it and results in a dropped trailer. These situations cause precarious positioning of the trailer and necessitate the help of an experienced tractor trailer towing company. Fortunately, CTR Towing Service is always here to help with any tractor trailer towing needs in the Dallas, Texas area.
Our tractor trailer towing team was recently put to the test for this exact situation. We received a call for tractor trailer towing services from a local Dallas, Texas warehouse. A delivery had been made at the loading dock that weighed in around 36,000 pounds. Unfortunately, the ground was ill-equipped to handle such a massive weight and weakened. With the trailer tilting haphazardly and the ground crumbling underneath, this was a job that only a professional tractor trailer towing company could handle.
The CTR Towing Service tractor trailer towing team arrived at the premises at approximately 2:16 PM. The first matter of business was to inspect the scene and curate a plan for tractor trailer towing services.
To handle the tractor trailer towing job, the crew first set up a 45 degree angle lift with two double line rigs. The tractor trailer towing team used a sling composed of two 100 grade, half inch chains off the trailer apron slots. Two 4×4 pieces of hardwood acted as shims to separate the chains from the nose of the trailer. Our tractor trailer towing technicians recognized this to be a crucial step to avoid damage to electrical or glad hand connections.
After that, the tractor trailer towing company used the 25-ton heavy wrecker to lift the trailer to fifth wheel height. Simultaneously, a warehouse driver backed a tractor under the now levitating trailer and set it down on the tractor. The chains were removed and then the connection to the king pin secured. Finally, the tractor trailer team disassembled each component of the rigging equipment.
By the time we finished, it was 3:11 PM – a relatively quick tractor trailer towing job! This proved to be another well-executed Dallas tractor trailer towing job.